Category / Articles / Expense Tracking / News / Receipt App

The Environmental Toll of Paper Receipts

Keep all your receipts,’ Australians are generally well accustomed to the importance of keeping receipts to substantiate your expenses. Not only are they crucial for product related issues, such as

Tax Deduction Claim Faces Hurdles

How The Best Expense Receipt Tracking App Could Have Helped In a recent case before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), a businessman’s attempt to claim a substantial $48,000 in tax

Streamlining Your Finances

Crunchr – The World’s Simplest and Best Receipt App In this modern era of technology, handling your finances has become exceptionally convenient, all thanks to ground breaking solutions such as


From Chaos to Confidence

How New Technology Empowers Individuals and Small Businesses during Tax Season In this age of swift technological progress, it is irrefutable that groundbreaking advancements have brought about a transformative metamorphosis


Benefits of using a receipt scanning app

Benefits of using a receipt scanning app! Before deciding to use a receipt scanning app in your business, it’s important to understand the benefits. What are some advantages of this